Haizhu builds national center for arts and crafts

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: Sep 13, 2022
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On Sept 9, the signing ceremony of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ethnic Handicraft Center took place in Haizhu district of Guangzhou, Guangdong province.


The signing ceremony of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ethnic Handicraft Center. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

Zeng Zhiyong, director of Haizhu district bureau for ethnic religious affairs, accompanied by Qi Zhe, dean of the Academy of Arts and Crafts of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA), and Huang Huiji, president of Haizhu Ethnic Unity and Progress Association, signed a tripartite cooperation agreement.

The new center is expected to be built at the Warehouse Creative Park in Haizhu. After completion, it will adhere to public welfare and non-profit, with its primary function of educating city citizens about handicrafts of diverse ethnicities and providing its citizens with services related to ethnic handicrafts. These services include learning dialogues, talent training, innovation, and productions.

GAFA will give full play to its academic and talent advantages in arts and crafts and take responsibility for the daily preparations, curriculum implementations, art exhibitions, theme-related competitions, and other activities of the art center. These activities will include pottery, lacquer, and metalworking, along with several dialogues for artist lectures, handicraft exhibitions, and competitions in arts and crafts.

Guangzhou Qingchuang Ideal Commercial Operation Management is expected to provide a venue to support Haizhu district in building the center.

Guangzhou Qingchuang Ideal Commercial Operation Management blends ethnic elements into the construction of Warehouse Creative Park and builds a cultural and artistic block with ethnic characteristics. The venue is expected to hold the 2nd competition for the Haizhu Ethnic Unity of Public Art and Design, which has contributed to the cause of ethnic unity and progress.

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