Company leaders in Haizhu's digital cultural, creative industry| Updated: Aug 25, 2022
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A series of activities focusing on Haizhu's digital cultural and creative industry were held in Guangzhou Venture Capital Town on Aug 23, in which several company leaders in Haizhu shared their views on the industry.

Yan Bing, vice president of Yongsheng Animation, said that the development of technology has ushered in brand new changes regarding story dissemination and marketing. She noted that the company released a four-part series of Chinese animation, which is a locally produced manga, that incorporated themes like traditional Chinese medicine and Lingnan lion dance culture. 


Yan Bing. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

Yan added that Lingnan culture has given us creative inspiration, elements, and themes. In addition, the development of digital technology has made animation creators more motivated to explore local culture. The application of new technologies has also fostered an attractive and promising emerging market.

Hou Zhuang, general manager of S.P.I Landscape Group, said that after the company went public, one of its strategic layouts was to introduce technology to promote the digital transformation of the design industry. In terms of digitalization, the company has developed software for rendering and AI intelligence in the design industry. On this basis, it has extended their digital products to provide services for digital cities, online exhibition halls, and smart communities.


Hou Zhuang. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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