Activity for young entrepreneurs held at Haizhu Art Port| Updated: Aug 25, 2022
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Guangzhou's Haizhu district held an activity for young entrepreneurs at Haizhu Art Port on Aug 22.

Through the organization of personal press conferences, topic discussions, and blind box gift interactive sessions, the activity enhanced communication among young entrepreneurs in a relaxing and interesting environment, deepening young entrepreneurs' understanding of Haizhu, as well as improving their recognition and sense of belonging in Haizhu.

By building a platform for young entrepreneurs to communicate with each other, connect resources, and share ideas, the event has opened up barriers for all parties to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation at a wider scope.

In recent years, Haizhu has focused on high-quality development, making full use of the location advantages, industrial heritage, and development foundation of downtown Guangzhou.

Haizhu used the resources of State-owned enterprises to expand its influence, building Art Port International Digital Innovation Center and Haishang Pearl Wisdom Park, as well as establishing the Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) International Innovation Valley Industrial Development Fund to provide financial support for the development of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Haizhu is making efforts to develop the "one zone-one valley-one circle" model, in which the one zone refers to Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Experimental Zone, the one valley refers to SYSU International Innovation Valley, and the one circle refers to Haizhu's cultural, business, and tourism integration circle.

Since the beginning of this year, it has introduced policies, such as those regarding the industrial internet urban industry, Pazhou Algorithmic Silicon Valley, and the games industry, attaching great importance to supporting and encouraging talents.


Haizhu holds an activity for young entrepreneurs at Haizhu Art Port. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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