Haizhu recruits 10 high-level think tank experts

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: Aug 15, 2022
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On Aug 12, the appointment ceremony of experts for the new vitality think tank in the old city of Haizhu district and the first expert symposium were held.

The think tank is composed of 10 high-level experts and scholars from the fields of economy, science and technology, urban construction, society, culture, as well as ecology. They will make suggestions around the high-quality development of Haizhu, further improve the scientific level of decision-making by the district Party committee and district government, as well as accelerate the construction of Guangzhou by injecting new vitality into the old city of Haizhu district.

Before the symposium, the think tank organized experts to visit and investigate the Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone, as well as the Haizhu Wetland. In the exhibition hall of the Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Experimental Zone, experts learned more about the construction and development of the experimental zone.

As the core area of Guangzhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone, the 30-square-kilometer Pazhou Pilot Zone has gathered more than 34,000 enterprises, including 1,545 enterprises above designated size. It is accelerating efforts to build a world-class digital economy demonstration zone.

The experts visited the smart wetland exhibition hall and agricultural cultural heritage, as well as learned more about the district’s various environmental quality improvement and ecological restoration projects.

Sun Yat-sen University will mobilize human resources, give full play to the advantages of comprehensive disciplines, as well as deepen the cooperation between schools and enterprises, so that the school's scientific research results can better serve the development of Haizhu.


The appointment ceremony of 10 high-level think tank experts. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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