Haizhu holds activity to showcase ICH items

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: Jul 01, 2022
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The organization department of the CPC Haizhu district committee and the publicity department of the CPC Haizhu district committee held an activity to showcase intangible cultural heritage (ICH) items to the public on June 28.

Representative inheritors of ICH items at the provincial, municipal, and district levels displayed ICH items like olive kernel carving, paper cutting, embroidery, and calligraphy at the activity.

Olive kernel carving is a folk craft that creates pieces by carving the kernel of Chinese black olives, or canarium pimela. It is one of the three major schools of kernel carving in China, and it is also a national ICH representative project.

Representative inheritor of olive kernel carving Zeng Xianpeng showcased the ICH item at the activity by carving a boat using the kernels of the Chinese black olive canarium pimela at the activity, which attracted great attention from attendees.


People learn about olive kernel carving. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

In addition, Han Yan, a representative inheritor of Guangzhou paper-cutting at the district level, Liang Shuping, a representative inheritor of Guangzhou embroidery at the district level, and Cai Chaowan from the Guangzhou Lingnan Guqin Art Research Institute also showcased ICH items at the events.


Liang Shuping showcases Guangzhou embroidery. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

In 2021, Haizhu has been selected to be home to 26 municipal ICH bases, including 22 schools, ranking first in Guangzhou.

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