Xingtan community awarded for helping residents find work| Updated: Jun 30, 2022
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Xingtan community is awarded the title of "China's full employment community." [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

Xingtan community on Haizhuang Street in Guangzhou's Haizhu district was the only community in Guangzhou to be included in the fifth batch of communities to receive the title of "China's full employment community."

Among the 914 households under the jurisdiction of Xingtan community on Haizhuang Street, there is no "unemployed family," with the employment rate of registered unemployed persons and persons with employment difficulties being over 95 percent.

Xingtan community took the initiative to find out the age, skills, and employment intentions of the unemployed, classifying and registering them according to the degree of urgency. Community staff used the internet to forward employment information, such as jobs, skills training, and policy interpretation, to residents.

The Xingtan Community Neighborhood Committee has an employment counseling room and encourages nearby companies to provide jobs to help residents find employment.

Almond Community held a two-week coffee skills training event under the "skill training + social work counseling" model to provide practical training opportunities for residents who are interested in starting their own businesses in the coffee field.

As of May, Haizhu has provided 8,242 Class I, Class II, and Class III employment assistance to those with employment difficulties, as well as provided 6,411 people with policy publicity, career planning, psychological counseling, and other services.

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