Haizhu Public Library celebrates its 40th anniversary

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: Jun 30, 2022
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The publicity department of the CPC Haizhu district committee and the culture, radio, television, tourism and sports bureau of Haizhu district held an activity to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Haizhu Public Library on June 29.


Haizhu Public Library. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

Haizhu Public Library hosted a 40th-anniversary-themed exhibition and showed an advertising video for the public. The video described hundreds of old archives and historical photos, as well as featured 15 speakers who detailed the library's development and changes over the past 40 years.

Guo Yingjia, director of Haizhu District Library, gave a report on Haizhu Public Library's development in the past 40 years.

With the construction of Guangzhou Library, Haizhu Public Library continues to develop a system of general and branch libraries. Through various cooperation models, such as "library + industry association," "library + hospital," "library + bookstore," "library + industrial park," and "library + school," Haizhu Public Library strives to unite various entities to build a far-reaching public library service network.

The number of people entering Haizhu Public Library exceeded 1 million for the first time in 2018 and 2 million for the first time in 2019; with cumulative number of registered members exceeding 100,000 for the first time in 2019.

Haizhu Public Library currently has 52 service points, of which 36 are open to the public and 32 are jointly built with various social entities.

Last year, Haizhu Public Library built the first library-school cooperation alliance library in Haizhu district. To date, Haizhu has built cultural spaces, such as G+ branch, Wansheng branch, Zhihui branch, and several school alliance libraries like Pazhou Zhixin Middle School, Dajiangyuan Primary School, Tuhua Primary School, as well as Yingzhou Primary School.


The Zhihui branch of Haizhu Public Library. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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