Haizhu artists create 10-m-long dragon boat race painting

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: Jun 07, 2022
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The publicity department of the CPC Haizhu district committee held a Dragon Boat Festival theme activity to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, which fell on June 3 this year, in which a 10-meter-long painting of a dragon boat race created by Haizhu artists was unveiled.


A Dragon Boat Festival theme activity is held inHaizhu. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

The painting is 10 meters long and two meters wide. It was created by 10 Lingnan painters, namely Xu Qinsong, Chen Chusheng, Sun Ge, Zhang Hong, Wang Yong, Zhu Yongcheng, Zhu Songmin, Liu Shidong, Bu Shaoji, and Lai Zhihao. It took more than a month to complete the work, which depicts Lingnan (Guangdong and the nearby provinces in southeastern China) landscapes and a dragon boat race.


The painting of a dragon boat race. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

"Showing my own works to the public through this event, and seeing the excellent works created by other artists have given me a lot of inspiration," said Zhu Songmin, vice chairman of Guangzhou Artists Association.

"As a literary and artistic worker, I feel very meaningful to be able to showcase art during the Dragon Boat Festival with the support of participating companies, deepen the public's understanding of art, and promote the development of literature and art in Haizu district."

This event promoted the Dragon Boat Festival tradition and folk culture. It also provided cultural benefits to participating enterprises, with more than 200 corporate representatives from more than 40 companies, including Tencent, Vipshop, and Root Cloud, in the Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone taking part in the event.

In addition, a public welfare promotional video about how enterprises can help promote art and a video consisting of blessings from famous artists were played.

Haizhu will establish a team of chief cultural service officers, launch a customized service list package for cultural activities, as well as closely cooperate with famous artists and enterprises within its jurisdiction to carry out a series of cultural activities that benefit the public, such as art appreciation events, lectures, training sessions, and exhibitions, to promote the high-quality cultural development of Haizhu.

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