Haizhu holds national art design competition

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: May 31, 2022
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Haizhu is holding the second National Solidarity Public Art Design Competition from May 28 to Sept 9. Participating works will be selected in September and awarded in October.

The first National Solidarity Public Art Design Competition was held in Haizhu in 2021, with 33 universities and institutions from 32 cities in 15 provinces across the country participating. This year's competition will offer one gold award, two silver awards, three bronze awards, and several popularity awards and excellence awards, with a maximum bonus of 30,000 yuan ($4,512).

The competition collects creative work in five aspects, including national history, Chinese history, Chinese culture, national spirit, and unity and struggle.

This competition has invited Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University as a support unit. After the competition is launched, Haizhu will invite the art departments and related institutions of colleges and universities across the country, and teachers and students at colleges and universities will be encouraged to participate.


Haizhu holds the second National Solidarity Public Art Design Competition. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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