Haizhu's water quality of inland rivers achieves Class V

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: May 11, 2022
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Due to Haizhu's continuous cleaning of rivers, the water quality of all 74 inland rivers in the city has reached the Class V level or above.

According to the environmental quality standards for surface water in China, the Class V level is mainly applicable to water bodies for agricultural use and landscape requirements.

In recent years, Haizhu district has completed 133 cases assigned by the Guangzhou River Chief System Office, issued 249 rectification notices, and rectified 125 illegal drainage conducts.

Since 2021, 172 third-level river and lake chiefs in Haizhu have organized about 30,000 foot patrols. River and lake chiefs at all levels have played a leading role in project construction, flood drainage and emergency rescue, management and protection of rivers and lakes, as well as water supply transformation.

Haizhu has also issued projects to bolster sludge treatment and the diversion of 73 special "covered rivers sections." These special waters normally have a sewage interception gate and may cause city waterlogging, as well as repeated river pollution during the rainy season. To date, 97.62 percent of these projects have been completed.

Since 2018, the district has built a sewage pipe network spanning 992.87 kilometers and a rainwater pipe network spanning 251.2 km, effectively providing sewage collection throughout the district and achieving a pipe network coverage rate of 100 percent.


Haizhu intensifies enforcement of industrial and commercial drainage units. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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