Haizhu promotes development of copyright industries

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: Apr 27, 2022
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Recently, Haizhu district has issued measures to promote the development of copyright-related industries to improve the level of the district's copyright creation, utilization, protection, management, service, and cooperation.

By the end of 2022, Haizhu strives to reach 680 billion yuan ($103.76 billion) in operating income from copyright-related industries, including 80 billion yuan in operating income from core copyright industries. It also aims to build two national copyright demonstration parks and six provincial copyright demonstration bases.

By the end of 2025, Haizhu strives to reach 780 billion yuan in operating income from copyright-related industries, including 92 billion yuan in operating income from core copyright industries. It also aims to build three national copyright demonstration parks and eight provincial copyright demonstration bases.

By the end of 2030, Haizhu strives to reach 1 trillion yuan in operating income from copyright-related industries, including 120 billion yuan in core copyright industry revenue. It also aims to build five national copyright demonstration parks and 10 provincial-level copyright industrialization demonstration bases.


Haizhu issues measures to promote the development of copyright-related industries. [Photo by Jiang Zhiyi/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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