Young women contribute to Canton Fair's success| Updated: Apr 26, 2022
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At the 131st edition of the Canton Fair, China's largest trade fair, a couple of young women have injected vitality into the fair's supply and acquisition matchmaking service.

Wu Ruoshan, an international invitation service specialist of the International Liaison Office of the China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC), said that since she joined the company in 2019, she has been busy in the first two to three months of each Canton Fair carefully planning the content and design of the Canton Fair's email marketing campaign, as well as sending them to clients.

"Typically, we send 40 batches of emails, but due to the current COVID-19 prevention and control measures, we have sent 60 batches of emails for this edition of the Canton Fair," Wu said, adding that the Canton Fair adopts a special strategy to increase email delivery, opening, and click-through rate.

To ensure that the Canton Fair's supply and acquisition matchmaking service is effective, Wu and her colleagues research the needs of purchasers before the opening of each Canton Fair. "If any existing purchaser encounters any difficulties, we make sure to respond to their questions in time," she said. "We have solved problems for hundreds of purchasers."


Wu Ruoshan. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

Feng Chengcheng, an international promotion affairs specialist of the International Liaison Office of the CFTC, said that after the theme planning and several rounds of selection screening, 31 high-quality enterprises, as well as one national-level foreign trade transformation and upgrading base were identified as promotion targets for this edition of the Canton Fair.

Once identified, Feng communicates with the selected companies to discuss process design, line scripts, and video shooting details for their promotion campaigns. During the Canton Fair, she went live on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and other foreign social media platforms, helping viewers who are interested in purchasing to contact the company.


Feng Chengcheng. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

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