Haizhu protects IPR of Canton Fair

en.haizhu.gov.cn| Updated: Apr 25, 2022
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Guangzhou's Haizhu district has been actively assisting intellectual property (IP) protection at the 131st Canton Fair, which is running from April 15 to 24. With its ability to handle infringement disputes and complaints through online and offline methods, it is providing professional guidance and rights protection services for IP protection and copyright protection at this edition of China's largest trade fair.

Haizhu's patent, trademark, and copyright management and law enforcement personnel have been working together with the provincial and municipal intellectual property departments to establish a strong intellectual property protection and copyright protection working team to ensure that complaints and disputes are dealt with in a fair, just, as well as efficient manner.

In addition to adopting online and offline complaint and dispute handling modes, Haizhu has implemented online 24-hour reception of complaints and applications, as well as a centralized offline office processing to create a fast channel for intellectual property rights protection services.

Before the start of the Canton Fair, Haizhu strengthened the administrative supervision of exhibitors in the area, issued a notice on administrative guidance, and urged 40 exhibitors to fulfill their main responsibilities.


The Canton Fair Complaint Station for IPR and Trade Dispute. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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