Haizhu supervises market prices

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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The Haizhu market supervision bureau has recently carried out price supervision and inspection of livelihood and COVID-19 epidemic prevention products in combination with epidemic prevention and control inspections.

To date, Haizhu has dispatched 1,267 law enforcement officers to inspect 1,875 businesses, such as bazaars, shopping malls, supermarkets, as well as pharmaceutical production and operation enterprises.

Haizhu pays close attention to consumer rights protection complaints and reports related to price gouging. It gives full play to the role of the "12315," "12345," and "12358" platforms, strictly implementing the leadership-led and 24-hour duty system, as well as arranging special personnel to transfer related complaints and reports.

Shayuan market in Haizhu is one of the largest farmers' markets in Guangzhou and its prices have not fluctuated significantly. "I feel relieved to see that the supply is normal," said a citizen surnamed Fang.

According to market staff, supplies have been continuously replenished at the market since April 9, with supplies increasing according to the needs of the public. In addition, public procurement orders have been good, while reminders that sufficient and rational procurement of supplies have been made are broadcast in the market.


The prices in Shayuan market are normal. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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