Haizhu launches COVID-19 vaccine reminder campaign for seniors

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Mar 31, 2022
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Haizhu has been using various measures to contact seniors to remind them to get their COVID-19 vaccines recently.

Chigang Street set up a 15-member volunteer service team to mobilize seniors in the community to get COVID-19 vaccines to increase their vaccination rate.

The service team of the Maofang community is divided into volunteer recruitment groups, door-to-door mobilization groups, and televised mobilization groups. While recruiting more volunteers to participate in the publicity campaign, they also carry out door-to-door and televised mobilization to expand the campaign's coverage to reach seniors in the community. They also disseminate information regarding COVID-19 prevention to seniors, mobilize seniors who have not completed their COVID-19 vaccinations to receive them as soon as possible, as well as answer questions and ease concerns that some seniors have about COVID-19 vaccines.

"The door-to-door publicity of the service team has eliminated my concerns about receiving the third COVID-19 jab and there is now an inoculation point downstairs, which has provided great convenience for seniors in our community," a citizen surnamed Jin said.

The Xinhong community arranged a special bus for seniors to get vaccinated. The staff provided one-to-one accompanying services throughout the whole process, and helped residents with disabilities to get on the bus.

Nanzhou Street has been conducting vaccination publicity and mobilization by going door-to-door and, building by building. It has also arranged transportation to help seniors travel to receive vaccines at the nearest vaccination point.


A volunteer answers questions from a senior regarding COVID-19 vaccines. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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