Haizhu holds seminar on cultural development

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Mar 10, 2022
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Haizhu held a seminar on cultural development in Shixiang Garden on March 7, in which the Haizhu Publicity, Ideology, and Culture Think Tank was established.

The seminar also issued letters of appointment to Li Jinkun, president of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Zhou Shujian, consultant of the Guangdong Calligraphers Association, as well as other representatives of the first batch of experts and scholars selected for the think tank.

The think tank is committed to providing intellectual support for the high-quality development of Haizhu's cultural industries. The members of the think tank will play a role in promoting strategic decision-making in the district's cultural field, cultural undertakings, and cultural industries' development based on their own professional advantages.

In recent years, Haizhu has established a leading group for the construction of the Haizhu New Vitality Culture, Business, and Tourism Integration Circle in accordance with the "one zone-one valley-one circle" special layout concept, in which the one zone refers to Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Experimental Zone, the one valley refers to Sun Yat-Sen University International Innovation Valley, while the one circle refers to Haizhu's cultural, business, and tourism integration circle.

In recent years, Haizhu has issued the construction plan for its culture, business, and tourism integration circle, held the first conference on the integration of culture, business, and travel, as well as released a plan for the development of its cultural industries. It aims to develop its comprehensive cultural strength to create a unique path for its cultural development.


Haizhu holds a seminar on cultural development in Shixiang Garden on March 7. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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