Guangdong's textile, industry explores digital transformation| Updated: Mar 08, 2022
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A bureau of the Guangdong Textile and Apparel Industry Digital Collaborative Innovation Center visited Guangzhou Hong Mian Zhongdamen on Feb 28 to discuss ways to promote the digital transformation and upgrading of the textile and garment industry.

The bureau was established last year by 12 industry enterprises, including the Guangdong Garment Industry Association and the Guangdong Garment Designers Association. It has convened more than 30 experts.

Since the establishment of the Guangdong Textile and Apparel Industry Digital Collaborative Innovation Center one year ago, it has carried out a multi-faceted and multi-level exploration of digital innovation and development in the industry, including the establishment of a Guangdong clothing industry brain laboratory, a cross-border e-commerce service center, as well as the solicitation of digital service providers.

In response to the construction of the Sun Yat-Sen University International Innovation Valley, as well as to promote the construction of a famous fashion city in Haizhu, the Guangzhou Textile Trading Park was renamed as Guangzhou Hong Mian Zhongdamen in January 2022. It aims to bolster the digital transformation and upgrading of the professional market.


A fashion industry innovation service complex located in Guangzhou Hong Mian Zhongdamen. [Photo/]

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