First Hainan Alumni Art Exhibition of GAFA opens| Updated: Mar 04, 2022
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The first Hainan Alumni Art Exhibition of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA), hosted by GAFA and the Hainan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, opened at the Art Museum of GAFA on March 1. The exhibition will run until March 20.

This exhibition showcases 108 works, spanning Chinese paintings, oil paintings, prints, and sculptures created by Hainan alumni of GAFA. These works not only cover a wide range of art forms, but also include strong Hainan regional cultural characteristics, which reflect the excellent academic tradition of GAFA.

In modern art, the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts has a significant influence on the development of Hainan's fine arts, cultivating many local talents like Xie Yaoting, Zeng Xiangxi, and Yi Zhiqun, who have played important roles in Hainan's cultural undertakings, cultural industries, and artistic creation.

In addition, alumni like Tang Jixiang, Lin Yuhao, and Deng Zijing who work in Guangzhou but whose hometown is in Hainan have contributed to the development of Guangdong's art scene and the spread of Hainan culture.

Li Jinkun, dean of GAFA, said that this exhibition is just a start. In the future, Hainan alumni of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts will use the Hainan Free Trade Port as an opportunity to create artworks with more modern characteristics, as well as a more inclusive and open attitude.


The opening ceremony of the first Hainan Alumni Art Exhibition of GAFA takes place on March 1. [Photo by Xu Qingqing/]

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