Haizhu holds launch ceremony for key urban industrial projects

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Feb 21, 2022
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Haizhu held a launch ceremony for key urban industrial projects and the construction of the Pearl River Science and Technology Innovation Park on Feb 18. Many companies, including Meishang, Yuanzhi Technology, and HYCAN, signed intention agreements to be among the first batch of enterprises to settle in the park.

The event was the first in a series of planned activities to mark the start of major industrial projects in Haizhu district in the first quarter of the year. As the largest urban industrial park in Haizhu, the Pearl River Science and Technology Innovation Park is expected to bolster the district’s industrial development.

The Pearl River Science and Technology Innovation Park is located in the southern part of the Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone. It is currently the largest modern urban industrial park in Haizhu district, with an above-ground construction area of about 500,000 square meters.

"It is expected that eight buildings will be capped this year, which will drive the industrial output value to over 10 billion yuan in the future," said Pan Hongping, assistant general manager of the Pearl River Science and Technology Innovation Park, adding that compared with traditional industrial parks, urban industrial parks located in the center of Guangzhou are very scarce.

The park will focus deeply on new-generation information technology, smart equipment, as well as science and technological innovation. It aims to build a city-level artificial intelligence innovation center with AI computing algorithms. It also aims to help Haizhu district build a modern industrial system with strategic pillar industries as its foundation, as well as to build a 100-billion-yuan level strategic pillar industry cluster.

Since the second half of 2021, Haizhu has accelerated its urban industrial development through the implementation of urban-industrial projects. In the future, Haizhu will strive to add 10 new urban industrial parks.

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The launch ceremony of Haizhu's key urban industrial projects and the construction of the Pearl River Science and Technology Innovation Park is held on Feb 18. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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