Second session of 13th CPC Haizhu District Congress opens| Updated: Jan 19, 2022
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The 2nd session of the 13th CPC Haizhu District Congress opened on Jan 17, in which the work in 2021 was summarized and work in 2022 was deployed.

It was determined that Haizhu will promote the construction of a "one zone-one valley-one circle," (Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Experimental Zone, SYSU International Innovation Valley, and Haizhu's cultural, business and tourism integration circle) as well as promote the modernization of its urban governance system and governance capacity.

Haizhu will adhere to innovative development in 2022, with the goal of building a world-class digital economy demonstration area, a strong modern industrial system, and a core urban area with high-quality economic development.

The city will adhere to digital industrial development and urban governance, as well as build an integrated innovation ecosystem and an urban core area that integrates the digital industry and urban innovation.

Haizhu will further optimize public services, strengthen cultural and ecological construction, as well as build an urban core area to make people's lives better.


The "one zone-one valley-one circle” area. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

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