AI helps Haizhu manage Canton Tower| Updated: Dec 29, 2021
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For better management of the Canton Tower scenic spot, Haizhu uses an intelligent management system to ensure the tower's scientific safety and well-being.

The intelligent management system creates a 1:1 3D digital model of the tower and Haixin Bridge.

The system has established a storage cloud that integrates 1,287 indicators and the data of scenic spot management, transportation, and greenery. This covers all of the scenic spots and intelligent identification of governance elements.

It uses algorithms and is based on population data to annotate the distribution of passenger flow in scenic spots in real-time. This establishes an early warning mechanism for passenger flow carrying. When the passenger flow in the core area of the scenic spot exceeds a certain value, the platform will automatically start the passenger flow diversion plan, displaying information such as emergency passage routes, police distribution, entrances, and exits.

The intelligent management system can analyze the age, gender, and travel habits of visitors in the Canton Tower scenic area, allowing the scenic area to meet the needs of the masses by setting up public service spaces and convenient service facilities.


A heat map generated by the intelligent management system of the Canton Tower. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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