Haizhu starts a practical services project for citizens

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Dec 27, 2021
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The opening ceremony of the project "Civilization creates small improvements", a project to provide practical services for Haizhu's citizens, was held on Dec 24. Haizhu made its effort to become a more developed district.

Haizhu worked on making promotional videos and organized activities to encourage citizens to participate in community governance and explore new models of grassroots community governance.

This project not only included cultural supporting projects, but also included the construction of community gardens, and the installation of stair rails and street lights to facilitate the lives of the people.

Haizhu announced 23 projects, of which are the ground hardening project in Jiangliyuan community, the addition of fitness equipment in Xigangxi community, and the livelihood services of Nanhua West Street.

Haizhu collected 121 practical questions and 210 suggestions online and offline by making announcements, door-to-door visits, and questionnaires.

This project has 1.5-million-yuan ($235,420) government special funds and 2.65-million-yuan investment from social forces.


The opening ceremony of the project "Civilization creates small improvements" is held on Dec 24. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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