Over 56,000 seniors in Haizhu get free flu vaccines

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Haizhu started offering free influenza vaccines for people aged 65 and over on Sept 24. As of Dec 11, the city had vaccinated 56,534 elderly residents.

To reduce the incidence of influenza among the elderly, Guangzhou has included the free influenza vaccination program as one of its top 10 livelihood practical works for 2021.

"We can get free flu vaccines near our community, which is really convenient," said a resident surnamed Xie. He and his wife used to have nasal congestion, coughing, sore muscles and joints in winter. Because they were old, they were afraid of getting sick. But after learning about the free vaccinations, he and his wife both decided to get one.

Zhang Jiansheng, deputy director of Haizhu's health bureau, said there are 35 vaccination units in Haizhu, and each vaccination site is open for two-three days a week. Haizhu also set up temporary vaccination sites in areas where the elderly gather and that have convenient access to transportation, such as Xiaogang Park.

Haizhu has produced influenza publicity audio and carried out various publicity activities in residential communities, squares, parks, and elderly activity centers to provide convenient vaccination services.

All doctors have undergone intensive training and all procedures are strictly controlled to ensure the vaccines are safe for the elderly.

Haizhu will focus on the integration of medical and elderly care, home care services, and family doctor contracting models to create a new healthcare service system.


Seniors queue up to receive free influenza vaccinations. [Photo/ Yangcheng Evening News]

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