Haizhu launches data broker pilot

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Dec 13, 2021
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Haizhu launched data broker pilot measures on Dec 10. Data brokers use scenario-based data to establish a trust relationship between supply and demand, mine data value, maintain legitimate rights and interests, activate the data market, promote credible and orderly circulation of data and accelerate the integration of data and the economy.

Haizhu is taking advantage of the convergence of digital economy formats and data resources, and is selecting pilot projects in places with rich social data related to power, finance, industrial internet, e-commerce, and communications.

Haizhu will establish an organizational structure and management system to carry out the daily supervision of data broker pilot work, and summarize the pilot experience.

It will also take measures related to the data broker pilot and establish a regulatory system for data broker qualifications, classification standards, risk prevention and control mechanisms, daily supervision mechanisms and data security and privacy protection.


Haizhu launches data broker pilot measures on Dec 10. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

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