Haizhu promotes construction of cultural, business, tourism integration circle

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Dec 07, 2021
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The Haizhu government and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA) signed a cooperation agreement during the first Cultural, Business and Tourism Integration Development Conference in Haizhu district on Dec 5.

Haizhu will work with the GAFA, relying on its history, geography and cultural resources to promote the construction of a new vibrant cultural, business and tourism integration circle in Haizhu, promote art in society, and strengthen the cultural and artistic atmosphere.

Relying on the scenic spots, buildings and public spaces of Haizhu, the two parties will build an art practice base encompassing the 6.6-kilometer ecological belt of Yuejiang Road and the waterfront art corridor.

This conference also invited many cultural authorities, including Xu Hongfei, dean of Guangzhou Sculpture Academy, Cao Xue, dean of Visual Art and Design School of GAFA, Liang Fenglian, director of Lingnan Cultural Research Center, Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences, to discuss the development and changes taking place in the cultural industry.


Cultural authorities discuss the development and changes taking place in the cultural industry. [photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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