Haizhu becomes home to China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage System

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Nov 23, 2021
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A traditional agricultural system in Haizhu made the list of China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China-NIAHS) on Nov 22.

The system is a characteristic agricultural production system created by the ancestors of Haizhu 2,000 years ago by relying on the high temperature, rain and dense water network north of the Pearl River.

Methods such as digging trenches, raising soil ridges, and storing water in deep trenches to resist tides, typhoons, droughts, were used to build a production model of drought and flood protection and a complete ecological chain of "water - vegetable - grass - fish - bird".

The system has a long history and unique regional characteristics which allowed for the development of a strong Lingnan farming culture (a traditional culture in south of China).


The production model of Haizhu’s traditional agricultural system. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

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