Haizhu Party congress lays out blueprints for next 5 years

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Sep 28, 2021
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The 13th Haizhu district congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) commences on Sept 27. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhzfb]

The 13th Haizhu district congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) commenced on Sept 27.

The development achievements made by Haizhu since 2016 were summarized at the congress, and the blueprints for the next five years were charted.

In the past five years, the regional GDP of Haizhu district climbed from 140.54 billion yuan ($21.77 billion) in 2015 to 208.69 billion yuan in 2020 with an average annual growth of 6.3 percent. The accumulated taxation of the district in the past five years totaled 105.17 billion yuan and the figure for the general public budget was 26.13 billion yuan.

It has now attracted a total of 53 projects that have been invested in by Fortune Global 500 companies, cultivated nine listed companies and 161 headquartered companies, set up 51 scientific incubators and increased the number of high-tech companies to 629.

It has devoted great efforts in promoting infrastructure construction and ecological protection, building 57.7 kilometers of ecological belts and new landmarks such as the Haixin Bridge.

Haizhu will strive to gradually become a digital ecological city with vitality, charm and competitiveness and a new highland for high-quality development in the future.

The district is expected to achieve an average annual growth of 6 percent in its regional GDP in the next five years and finish missions listed in the 14th Five Year Plan (2021-25) with high quality.

It will cast eyes on the development of artificial intelligence and the digital economy to make contributions to the construction of the international scientific innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

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