Technology helps Guangzhou defeat virus| Updated: Jun 09, 2021
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Emerging technologies and high-tech facilities have played an important role in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, officials said.

"High-tech facilities including drones, robots and self-driving vehicles have been put into use in the control and prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic since the city reported the first confirmed case in this new round of coronavirus on May 21," said Chen Jianhua, chief economist of the Guangzhou Industry and Information Technology Bureau.

Logistics service by autonomous driving vehicles have covered Baihedong and Zhongnan subdistricts, two high-risk areas, and the self-driving service will be expanded to some medium-risk areas, Chen said.

As of Tuesday, 23 self-driving vehicles and 13 small logistics delivery vehicles have provided service in closed-off areas, helping distribute 64.2 tons of medical materials and daily necessities, Chen said.

"A number of companies engaged in the technology of artificial intelligence and autonomous driving have had close cooperation with the local authorities to provide efficient service in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak," Chen said, adding that Guangzhou's production of epidemic prevention materials has been sufficient to meet the need.

Currently the city's production capacity to make nucleic acid testing reagents, face masks and protection suits are 7.3 million, 91 million and 100,000 per day, respectively.

"We have organized self-driving vehicles to promote the use of autonomous logistics service in high-risk areas during the fight of the coronavirus outbreak," said Mo Luyi, vice-chairman of, an autonomous vehicle startup in Guangzhou.

According to Mo, goods that are being distributed by the autonomous vehicles are mainly epidemic prevention materials such as face masks, daily necessities, food and water.

Guangdong logged eight locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, according to provincial health authorities.

The eight cases were reported from Guangzhou, including one previously categorized as an asymptomatic carrier.

As of Tuesday, Guangzhou has reported 115 locally transmitted cases, including 106 confirmed cases and nine asymptomatic carriers since the city reported its first case on May 21 in the latest round of the pandemic.

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